
IMG_5309, originally uploaded by A meets Z.

Hi there. Its been awhile. As usual, life has thrown me for a loop or two. Found out we were pregrnant in late January with baby #3. Had more morning sickness and exhaustion than any of my other two pregnancies. Then found out in March I had suffered a miscarriage. Had a D&C…2 days before my 30th birthday. Then a 3 week visit to Texas to visit the in-laws and my parents. While there, my youngest got the hand, foot and mouth virus and I had mounting stomach pain…which I think is a stomach ulcer. So we cut our trip short.


But that’s life.

I am so happy to be home. The stomach is slowly getting better, and so far we haven’t contracted any more diseases. Hopefully I can post more often as I get back into the swing on things. Or I’ll just try to bring you all along for the crazy ride instead…what can I say…I’m a giver…

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