So many things…

have been going on…

I’m 27 weeks pregnant with baby #3…surprise! After the miscarriage last year, we wanted to keep it a secret until things got a little farther along. Most everyone in our circle knows (since I can’t hide it at all anymore). We are super excited about it and can’t wait for the little guy to get here in late June.

We’re moving. Yes, impeccable timing! At least we are staying in the same state, so it’s not too crazy…but I might still be in denial about how much work it will be…denial is probably a good place to be right now.

I started a photography etsy shop. Yeah…surprise! I’ve always been interested in photography and decided to take a chance and put some of it out there for people to purchase. No sales yet, but lots of people looking and liking. Even if none of it sells, I gave it a shot. If so inclined, you can check it out at Blue Penny Photography.

Otherwise, we’ve been chugging along. Lots of changes coming and hopefully a lot more sharing on this blog. I’ve missed my sewing and sharing and hope to keep at it. I have been up to a little sewing and will be sharing that soon.

And now…maybe a nap…

2 Replies to “So many things…”

  1. Wow! Moving while pregnant? Geesh. If you need help let me know.
    I checked out your etsy shop, that is wonderful that you jumped on the bandwagon. The community alone is pretty awesome. Put those feet up and get lots of rest, congrats on the new little one 🙂

  2. Wish I could help you with the moving. I have moved pregnant THREE times. Yes, ma’am. Three kids. Three moves. You can do this. No one is more capable. And no one will ask you to lift things or help if you don’t want to. Just point and smile. Cherish this. I have heard that moving, money problems, birth of a new child/pregnancy, and child rearing disagreements are primary marital stressers. I’m sure you’ve got this under control- even if it doesn’t feel that way today.

    Congrats to you all on the new pregnancy. I’m so glad to know that all is going well this time. God is Good. All the Time.

    Just a thought. Take pictures as you are looking down. I’m not a photographer at all. But the perspective of “life” as seen over the front edge of your tummy, is just a little different each week- and really illuminating when you view the photos side by side later. Not for sale of course. Just for you.

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