moving over here from Blogger…we’ll see how it goes. So far so good.
have I ever mentioned that I hate committing to something on paper (blog)…choosing a name for this blog was AWFUL! I’m always afraid I’m going to get tired of a name in a few months…much like I get tired of the furniture layout after a few months and want to change it. (much to my husband’s dismay). maybe that’s why he leans towards really heavy furniture…so he knows I won’t move it on my own without serious injury. Anyways, this title reads A meets Z for many reasons and interpretations:
1. all encompassing…from A to Z
2. I am type A…but as always with kids and pets and husbands…and well life in general…it gets a little craZy!
So here’s hoping I don’t get tired of this title and want to change anytime soon 🙂